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Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) (BADEA)

Key facts

  • Established in 1973
  • Ownership: Public

Latest update: 03/12/2021


  • Loans
  • Other products


  • BADEA provides financing for development projects:
    - BADEA’s contribution to financing of any project can reach up to 60% of its total cost, provided that the loan amount does not exceed USD 20 million
    - BADEA’s contribution can reach up to 90% of the total cost of any project, in case this total cost does not exceed USD 15 million
    - BADEA can grant more than one loan to a country in one year, provided that the total amount of such loans does not exceed USD 20 million 

Other products

  • BADEA can provide non-refundable grants to finance feasibility studies for development projects and institutional support operations
  • In addition, BADEA can finance Arab exports to and investments in African countries
  • BADEA has also engaged in debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries and provided urgent aid

Performance highlights

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